Book Review: Six Degree Game of Blogs by BlogAdda

When India's best bloggers come up to weave a story, what do you expect? You get a piece that is first of its kind in publishing history. 30 bloggers, 30 minds but one central theme and given characters, Six Degree was worth reading.

BlogAdda, the popular Indian blogging platform came with the idea of taking blogging into its new level in 2014 and a Game of Blog was started. Bloggers were put in teams and given some characters to weave a story of their own. The bloggers bickered, racked their minds, and over endless discussions and writing sessions, came up with results that was worth of all the fuss. A panel of jury, comprising of some of India's best authors, were given the task of judging the stories written by teams of bloggers. Among the entries, three novellas were finally selected and published by BlogAdda making a milestone in India's publication history.

The Teams and their novellas
The first team was Team By Lines and they had eight members in the team. Their novella was called The Awakening and it dealt with a sci-fi theme.

The second team was Team Potliwale Baba and the team included eight members. Their novella was Entangled Lives and it is a murder mystery.

The third lucky team who won the game of blogs was Team Tete-a-Ten. This team had ten members. Their product was called Missing-A Journey Within and it is a mystery too.

Things that I loved

The book, to be honest, is amazing to read. Bloggers from different parts of the country coming together and weave a story is itself enchanting. While reading, the moment i thought that this is the best i have read, the next novella proved me wrong and I found that each and every word of these three novelas are very well crafted and had a lots of hard work. However, I love the following things about the novellas.

The Awakening

It is a work of science fiction. The story, the plot development and characters were very well written. The tension is build in the very first chapter and it was carried through to the end. I love how the writers infused science in it. You don't get bored with it, rather you want to read more about it. The plot was smooth and the character development was good too. I loved how the writers also dealt the hidden desire of man and his utmost trials to rose to the fame.

Entangled Lives

Very well written. The concept and the story could be given ten in ten. Flawless flow of the story, ultimate character development and the labyrinth of human mind, the novella offer you all. The pressure of working parents, their relationship and it's impact on their is the most discussed thing in recent times. The writers dealt with the subject with a tadka of murder mystery and you have a delight treat to read.

Missing-A Journey Within
In terms of story, characters, subplots and overall quality, Missing- A Journey Within is the ultimate winner. The gripping mystery, the pressure of accepting who you are and parents affect on the child, this novella is worth reading. I loved the concept, the story within the story and the courage of characters to stand and speak for themselves.

Things that I didn't love

The endings. The endings of all three novellas could have been better and smooth. The endings felt like we will get its sequel. If the writers are planning something about sequels, I don't mind at all.

Overall, 4 out of 5!
Fellas, go and grab a copy of this ultimate reading delight.
